Entries by chris bartlett

Talking about the family

The family tends to have a very important role in Spanish and Latin American life. While we English-speakers usually spend more time with our peer group, Spanish-speakers will be at granny’s for lunch every Sunday. In this class we look at the most important vocabulary needed to talk about the family in Spanish.

The Spanish Present Tense

How to form the Spanish present tense (Presente de indicativo). In this grammar class we’re going to show you how to form the present tense of the three major Spanish verb groups, as well as some common irregular verbs. If you’re confused about AR, ER and IR verbs then check out our class here (coming […]

The Spanish Future Tense

How to form the future Tense (el futuro) in Spanish. Want to talk about the future in Spanish? Then you’ll need this tense. It’s an easy one, you’ll be pleased to know! In fact, here at Hablarama we think that the future tense should be one of the first four tenses which you learn in Spanish. […]

Pretérito perfecto simple

How to form the Pretérito perfecto simple in Spanish. Alongside the Present tense (Presente de indicativo), this is one of the first Spanish tenses that you’ll need to get to grips with. The Pretérito perfecto simple is often just called the ‘Pretérito’ and usually corresponds to the English Past Simple ( I went, I saw…) As with the […]

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

How to form the Pretérito perfecto compuesto in Spanish. This tense is one of the most common in Spanish and corresponds to the English Present Perfect. Alongside the Present tense (presente de indicativo), this is one of the first Spanish tenses that you will need to get to grips with. We have included audio files with this […]