Los Youtubers, Spanish-speaking video bloggers
When you're learning a language it's absolutely essential that you have as much contact with it as possible. That's where Passive Learning comes in.
In a nutshell, Passive Learning means sitting on the sofa (or standing in a subway train)…

Native Spanish speakers: Video 4
What do the Spanish think of Brexit? In fact, have they even heard of it?
This is the fourth, and final, video in the series which we shot in Pontevedra and Vigo, two medium-sized cities in the comunidad autónoma of Galicia, in the northwest…

Native Spanish speakers: Video 3
What do the Spanish think of the British? You'd be surprised!
If you're familiar with this series of videos, you'll know that we sent the Hablarama team to Pontevedra and Vigo, two medium-sized cities in the comunidad autónoma of Galicia,…

Native Spanish speakers: Video 2
Welcome back to our brand new series of videos with native Spanish speakers!
If you've already viewed the first video, you'll know that the Hablarama team have been to Galicia, in northern Spain, to interview young Spaniards about their…

Spanish lessons and Fernando Alonso?
A new contract for Fernando.
If you like Formula 1 in particular, or motor racing in general, then you should find this video right up your street.
Fans of Spanish driver Fernando Alonso will know that he has had a total nightmare hasn't…

Native Spanish speakers: Video 1
Welcome to the first in our brand new series of videos with native Spanish speakers!
We've gone out and interviewed young people around Spain to give you an idea of the language that is really used in everyday life.
In recent years,…