The Months of the Year in Spanish.
In this series on Basic Spanish Vocabulary we’ve already looked at the days of the week in Spanish. Now let’s move on and take a look at how to write and pronounce the months of the year in Spanish. There’s nothing to be afraid of! It’s all very straight forward, even the pronunciation.
You’ll notice that the months of the year in Spanish look a lot like their English equivalents. We have the Romans to thank for that as they gave us the Julian calendar from which all modern calendars are derived. And yes, the Spanish year has twelve months too!
In the audio file you’ll be able to hear how a madrileña (someone from Madrid) pronounces the names of the months.
enero | January |
febrero | February |
marzo | March |
abril | April |
mayo | May |
junio | June |
julio | July |
agosto | August |
septiembre | September |
octubre | October |
noviembre | November |
diciembre | December |
In Spanish we do not use capital letters for the months of the year.
Correct: septiembre, octubre…
Be careful how you pronounce ‘noviembre’. The ‘v’ in Spanish is pronounced like a ‘b’. We cover this, and other quirks of Spanish pronunciation, in our famous Idiot’s Guide to Spanish Pronunciation.
In spoken and written Spanish we’ll often use the preposition ‘en’ with the months of the year.
Some examples
* This is true! Madrid can get very hot in summer (+35º) and quite cold in winter, but the month of May is usually just right in terms of the temperature.
There are no ‘official’ abbreviations for the months of the year in Spanish. However, in written Spanish it is most common to see the months abbreviated to three letters, as follows:
enero | ene. |
febrero | feb. |
marzo | mar. |
abril | abr. |
mayo | may. |
junio | jun. |
julio | jul. |
agosto | ago. |
septiembre | sep. (set.) |
octubre | oct. |
noviembre | nov. |
diciembre | dic. |
Don’t forget to include the full stop after the third letter.
Now that you know how to write and pronounce the months of the year in Spanish, why not find out how to talk about dates?
The months aren’t the only things which are similar in Spanish and English. In fact, English has taken vast numbers of words from Latin, and many of these look, and even sound, like their Spanish counterparts. We explain more in our article on the Spanish you already know (but didn’t realise).
Here’s a free-to-download infographic with the names of the months of the year in Spanish.
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